About Us
About Us
The Mission Kitchen adds a uniqueness of its very own to your Dining Experience. Great Food, Excellent Service and a Warm Inviting Presence makes for a sensational event.

Johnny Scott is founder and chef of “The Mission Kitchen,”

A private catering and personal chef service. The southern-bred Native of South Carolina, Johnny is a man of faith, husband and father of five.
The Culinary Institute of Savannah” in Savannah, Georgia is where he studied and received his Associates Degree in Culinary Arts.
Where taste meets excellent service
Johnny often reflects on a time when he had not imagined or entertained the thought of purchasing a passport, but how culinary school took him on his first tour of Rome, Tuscany, Parma and Milan. That trip changed his whole prospective on how he views life and people! Following this, he met and married his adored and revered wife who serves our country in the US Armed Forces and with whom he has traveled the world together.
Johnny now finds that cooking restored a sense of joy and peace in his life after experiencing some unfortunate occurrences. While he enjoys cooking it also leads him to a truer passion of pleasing people through his culinary creations which helps to build relationships and community.
This book resulted from Johnny’s personal style of cooking along with a unique selection and pairing of flavors developed from “local inspirations and international travel.”
Crediting his palate pleasing creations to friendships developed across many cultural barriers from Europe, Asia, Africa and South America, Johnny enjoys meeting and connecting with people and maintaining healthy relationships while demonstrating the fun in food!
So, “why” “The Mission Kitchen” some might ask? Simply put, it eliminates every excuse one can muster for not reaching for all life has to offer, even with stumbling blocks along the way!

Supporter, USO Wounded Warrior Project